Making Waves
Is it easier to accept fear if we continue forward,
straight into it?
Making Waves is about the courage to dare to be.
About the courage to act courageously.
About the group, the individual,
about holding and being held back,
lifting and being lifted.
About the liberating effect after someone dares.
The power that is created not only within one but about the courage that spreads to those around,
like waves.
Length: approx. 50 min
Target group: 14-19 years
Choreographers: Binita Kharel, Fredrika Burvall
Dancers: Eshidoreen Paradiso, Rebecca Livaniou, Binita Kharel, Fredrika Burvall
More information and sales sheet
Contact axakavat@gmail.com

Let us give you the experience,
get in touch and book us through axakavat@gmail.com
Supported by:
Dansens Hus Stockholm,
Swedish Cultural Council, Malmö Dance Week.
Trailer: Erwin Semler